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A Guide to Zero Waste Periods: Making the Switch to Reusable Menstrual Products

Making the switch from disposable menstrual products to fully reusable products can feel weird, gross or inconvenient at first. You’ll need to think through what will be most comfortable and reasonable for you to use.

There are so many reusable period products to choose from. It’s more than overwhelming so I’ve compiled my recommendations for a zero waste period plus organic, compostable alternatives to tampons.

Reusable Period Products

Reusable Cloth Pads

GladRags and Hesta Organic offer organic reusable cloth pads. They work the same as disposable pads, except you just wash and reuse these! I’ve never used cloth pads, since I prefer the period underwear, but they’re a great option.

Period Underwear

Thinx, Sustain and Dear Kate have great period underwear. I’ve tried Thinx and Sustain, and Thinx are my absolute favorite. Thinx has options for lighter or heavier flow days and you can choose a cotton or more athletic type material.

Period Cups

There are a plethora of menstrual cups available. They typically come in a small vs large size and some offer soft vs hard silicone material. I’ve tried saalt and diva cups and both worked great for me. Saalt is an awesome company that fights for period equality around the world so they are my perfered choice.

Reusable Disc

Nixit is by far the best reviewed reusable period disc available right now. Menstrual discs are typically single-use plastic discs (boo). Check out this in depth review here.

Zero-Waste with a Heavy Period

If you have a lighter period you can probably get away with using just one of the above products. If you have a heavy period, fear not. You’ll just need to find the combination that works for you. Pair up either the cup or disc with the underwear or cloth pads. I use a period cup and Thinx underwear and the pair work well.

Still unsure about the reusable products?

Check out the period alternatives below if you still want to opt for tampons and pads.

100% Organic Cotton Tampons and Pads

Lola and Sustain (buy from Grove Collaborative) both offer a whole line of tampons and pads. They have both cardboard and plastic applicators.

Reusable applicator or no applicator tampons

Dame and Thinx offer reusable tampon applicators which you can use with applicator-less tampons. You can get these anywhere that regular tampons are sold to use with your applicator.

Last but not least, make sure to compost your organic cotton tampons!